Monday 22 November 2010

Annotation Of 3 Music Magazine Covers

The idea I have for my music magaizine cover is a mixture between these three magazine covers. I want it to be very 'girlie', quite classy but then a bit crazy and wild like Kerrang. I think with this idea, it would gain a bigger audience.

What I like about Rap-up is that it is straight away, in your face, obviously headed towards females. The font and the colours hints towards the age group of my target market. I don't really like how much space has been left free, the cover looks quite plain compared to other covers and I want mine to be full yet easy to read. Although the font of the title is cleary headed towards females I don't really like it. It makes the magazine look slightly 'chavy' and immature. I would like my font and the layout of the cover to be more classy but still very 'girlie'. I like the colours used although their could be more, I really don't like the background. Even though it has female written all over it, I don't think a magazine should have a background with that much detail, it makes it look less proffesional and takes the attention away from the images and the text. The cover overall doesn't really give the reader a lot of information on what the magazine consumes, it only had a list of names of the artists and bands uncluded. A magazine cover should have the most important coverlines, to influence the reader to read more.

I love this magazine cover and this is how I would like the layout of my magazine cover to be. The font of the heading is very classy, but the main image, in my opinion is headed towards an older target market than my own. The size of the main image is how I would like mine to be with the coverlines spread out around it. I like the colour theme but there could be a bit more included to make it seem more interesting and more eye catching. Also, just with a bit more colour, it could increase the audience. The coverlines are good, they give enough information for the reader to want to read on, unlike the cover of Rap-up. The background is nice but there is a bit much going on, it seems harder to read the text and like Rap-up it takes the attention away from the image and text.

There are some things I really like about this cover but then there are some things I really don't. I don't like how plain the cover of Rap-up is yet I don't like how full this cover is. I love the use of colour and it gives the reader a lot of information of what the magazine consumes. The whole cover gives the theme of 'emo' and 'goth' and for my magazine I would want the crazy and colourful look but I would calm down the whole 'emo' and 'goth' style.

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