Monday 22 November 2010

Typographic Ideas

I looked through a majority of fonts using and I have chosen my favourite 11. They are all the same sort of style and I would say they are all feminine other than masculine. My magazine is headed towards young females and most magazines with the same target market as me usually have big bubbly writing, but I want my magazine to be slightly different to others and hopefully these fonts I have chosen will make my magazine look a bit more classy but at the same time 'girlie'. A couple of my fonts including, Dear Joe and Enchanted Prairie Dog look as though they have been hand written which I think is a good style to use when in some magazines, people write letters in, or with interviews, the questions could be written in these fonts. Also, some singers and bands have their own fonts for their names, so I could use some of these, for example, Kelly Brown or Miss Brooks for the bands or singers I use or make up.

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