Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Before making my music magazine I created a montage full of pictures of what my target audience would look like, how they dressed and how they posed showing there attitude as well as there fashion. The target audience for my magazine are females who generally like to make sure they look 'hot' and are up to date with the fashion.
          My magazine covers high street fashion, not really including any big names as the target audience for my magazine will range between working and middle class so the shops I would probably mention in my magazine are Topshop, River Island, H+M etc.
          My target audience are girls who are extremely into music and fashion, probably a bit more than the average person and they will really appreciate the advice and details given in the content of the magazine. My target audience could be put into the 'aspires' category as in the contents page I have mentioned celebrities and what they're wearing and how they do their hair and my audience will be very idolised by this and will buy the magazine to be inspired with ideas for fashion, hair, make up and music to keep their own 'status'.
My magazine is very mainstream and will produce information on celebrities that my target audience know and want to see, so when my audience see's the cover of my magazine they will instantly know the celebrities and be intrigued with the cover lines and therefore buy the magazine. My magazine would be great to advertise products in, obviously products that would interest my target audience. Things such as hair and beauty products, clothes, IPhone's etc, I would advertise things such as Xbox games or PS3's as these products are generally headed towards males and would not suit my target audience. Also my magazine could advertise shops to encourage the reader that these certain shops are the most decent to get products such as clothes and make up. I would be sure to offer advertisements for many shops as well as things that relate to the music industry. So, I could be featuring advertisements that link to high street (Topshop, H+M, River Island etc.)

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