Thursday 11 November 2010

Initial Music Magazine Ideas

I havn't decided a title for my music magazine yet, something like 'Lets hear it!' or 'Pop!' or something girlie like that will suit my magazine. I have looked at previous magazine covers that are similar to how I want my magazine to be and they all have names along that sort of track. Things such as, 'Rapup!' or 'Top of the pops'. Also I want a name like that because I want my magazine to be very glossy and glamourous and I think a name like that will suit that sort of cover.

As well as being a music magazine, I would like to include fashion in this magazine and I would like to advertise other products such as Laptops and Iphones as fashion and them sort of products will probably appeal to the sort of target market I am heading my magazine towards.

The first demographic I looked at for my magazine was gender. I am going to aim my magazine towards females as when I looked at previous music magazine covers, practically all of them, in my opinion, were headed toward males and I only saw one that was obviously headed towards females and it really stood out. Because of that I grew attatched and I wanted to base my magazine on that. The age group I am heading my magazine cover towards is roughly between the ages 13-19. I have chosen this age because, for females anyway, I would say this is the most popular age group that actually have time and enjoy reading music magasines. I think this age group is most likely to be interested in the sort of stuff my magazine will consume. My magazines intellectual level will be pretty much average. I will probably use some slang words when I feel they will be seen as funny or sarcastic. It won't be hard to read this magazine so hopefully that will apeal to more people. This magazine will be based in England. This will make it easier for me to make the magazine more specific and if it was to be international it would be awkward to satisfy each culture, for what could impress the English culture could be seen as a taboo term for the American culture.

I have looked at the psychographic for my magazine in terms of the website 'UK Tribes'. I have managed to find a few 'tribes' that i feel fit in to the target market of me magazine. These are,
Maybe not each of these 'tribes' will apeal to everything in my magazine but I would say that my magazine will contain quite a lot of information or fashions or products that that each tribe will be interested in.
I have decided my magazine would be priced at £3.00 which could be considered high but my magazine would contain freebies and it is also high enough that there should be a profit. My magazine will be produced monthly. This is because I think the average teenager wouldn't be able to afford this magazine every week and also, being released monthly will allow the magazine to contain more information.
The content of my magazine will be slightly similar to magazines such as Rapup, Top of the pops, Seventeed but with a touch of kerrang or NME as that seems to be coming more and more popular and obviously i want my magazine to be popular. It will also include things such as non famous bands which is also why I think it is better if it is just based in England and it will all be very, very feminine.

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