Wednesday 24 November 2010

Annotation Of 3 Music Magazine Double Page Spreads

I like these double page spreads as they are all in the same sort of style and have the same layout of how I would like mine to be. My double page spread will be based on a band i have made up, Pandora, and I basically want a big image of the band taking up the whole page with the title at the top left hand corner with a small paragraph underneath and a small interview with them at the bottom right corner.

The first double page spread I like because of the layout of the text, it's very similar to how I want mine, but I think the image has too much going on. I want my image to have a very plain background, probably white, with the band in the middle, all attention focused on them. I like the font, it's very feminine which is good as I want my whole magazine to be very feminine. Also it's quite plain which I actually like as it doesn't take too much attention away from the image.
The second double page spread is probably my favourite. The layout of the text is very similar to how I want mine, and the font is very classy, very similar to the fonts I chose in my typographical ideas. Also it's quite plain, again keeping the main focus on the image. Like the first one, I think there is too much going on with the image, which is good with this double page spread but it's not how I want mine to be.
What I really like about the thrid double page spread is that all of the focus is completely on the band, with a very plain background which is how I want mine to be, but the image is too much of a close up, I'd want my image to be a long shot to get the full bodies of the band. I like the text because it is plain and it keeps the attention on the band but the font is really plain, which I guess matches this particular band, but with my double page spread I would want the font to be more classy and feminine.

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